Hye, semua.. :D Okeh, entry kali nie lebih kepada maklumat terbaru dan juga sharing lah yea.. As for the title I've wrote, we'll talk about Maher Zain, a famous singer from Sweden, who is sing a song with a good messege that related to the God.. Cam berserabut ayat english aku kan? So, I'll mix it up from now.. Haha.. Xdela 100% english or malay.. I'll make it 50-50.. :)
Maher Zain was born in 1981 in Lebanon. His father Mustapha Maher was a singer in his hometown Tripoli (in Lebanon). His family moved to Sweden when Maher was only eight, where he continued his schooling. Maher got his first keyboard when he was ten. He later entered university and got a Bachelors degree in Aeronautical Engineering. During his teenage years, he liked to spend late nights at school with his friends where they would sing, rap, compose and experiment with music.
Clear x pasal background dia? Okeh, yg 2, aku copy dari Wikipedia.. Haha.. Malas nak menulis banyak2.. Kalau nak tau lebih lanjut, rajin2 la google eh.. :D
Maher Zain is an artist under the Awakening Records yang turut membariskan artis2 seperti Mesut Kurtis dan ramai lagi.. Album pertama beliau iaitu Thank You Allah telah menduduki tangga pertama dalam Amazon.com World Music Chart.. Antara lagu2 yang terkenal adalah Thank You Allah, Barakallah, For The Rest Of My Life dan jugak banyak lagi lah.. I almost can memorize all of them.. :D
Sebelum nie Maher Zain sudah pernah menjejakkan kaki ke Malaysia dalam Konsert "Save The Soul" yang telah diadakan di Dewan MBAS, Shah Alam selain penampilan dengan 2 lagu dalam Konsert "Palestine, Tomorrow Will Be Free" di UIAM Gombak.. Dan saya sempat untuk join konsert yang diadakan di UIAM Gombak 2.. Sangat best dan masih mantap terlekat di ingatan walaupun hanya 2 lagu yang dinyanyikan.. :)
Dan pada tahun ini, Maher Zain akan membuat 1 konsert besar-besaran di Stadium Melawati Shah Alam pada 25hb-26hb February 2011.. And InsyaALLAH, I'll be there.. :) So, kalau nak lebih info pasal konsert untuk kali nie, just search Fanpage Maher Zain di Facebook atau terus ke tickethotline.com.. :)
So, enjoy gambar yang saya shoot masa konsert di UIAM yea.. Enjoice!
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